Leadership and Management Training Seminar Outlines

Building Work Environment

For the last 20 years, people in a variety of companies, agencies, and professional organizations have participated in Bob's interactive seminars, helping them reach new levels of professional and personal success.

Bob's leadership and management training programs are designed to assist you and your organization to develop a more productive and supportive work environment. The programs are customized to best fit your needs, with an emphasis on outcomes that are specific, measurable, and verifiable.

Plus, people will have fun - and learn practical ideas that can be immediately applied in the workplace!

"On behalf of the Credit Unions of the Finger Lakes District, I would like to extend our appreciation for the motivation “humor” workshop. I have been overwhelmed the past few days with great comments from everyone. In this busy world, it is often forgotten to step back and smile or laugh. I think everyone realized that at your presentation and for that I would like to say Thank You!"

- Lauran Mowrer, Marketing Specialist
Steuben Educators Federal Credit Union


Sample Leadership and Management Seminar Outlines (PDF Format)

©2020 Robert K. Bitting